
Artists’ Submissions for mjf2025 are now open! Apply today and you could be part of the 30th anniversary celebrations for Manchester’s longest-running music festival. Please fill in the form below to apply. Whilst we cannot provide individual feedback on your music and its suitability for the festival programme, should you require any further assistance with your application, please email festival@manchesterjazz.com and a member of the team will be in touch.

Applications close Friday 20th September, 10am.

Artists' Submission form 2025

mjf2025 will take place from the 16-25th May 2025. Artist submissions for the 2025 festival will close on 20th September at midnight to allow for adequate programming and marketing time. Please note: The form below must be completed in one session. If you go back or leave the page, you will lose any information you have entered. We would advise reading through the form and ensuring you have all necessary information at hand before starting to fill it in. Fields marked with an * are mandatory.
  • (if this is only a working title, please write (working title) after the name)
  • (mobile preferred)
  • Please notify us of any change of address before the festival
  • This is to help us with our budgeting for artists' travel and accommodation.
  • Band Personnel

  • (If this person is also the main contact, please re-enter their name here).
  • Please list any other band members and which instruments they play - e.g. "Sarah Swingtime - trumpet; Johnny Improv - guitar" etc.
  • Unfortunately not all venues are equipped with a grand piano.
  • Other Information

  • Seeing you live may help us in our programming. We would also like to know of any potential competing gigs in or around the festival period.
  • Please give a personal description of your music: what’s motivated you, how you’d like your listeners to feel and what characterises your sound. This could include quotes from reviews. We reserve the right to edit your copy for our marketing purposes.

    Please don’t
    - use clichés, jargon or flowery language
    - repeat information you have already provided, such as the line-up
    - submit long lists of people with whom you’ve previously performed
    - merely provide a link to another page where we can read about it – we want your tailored description.
  • This may include any potential future changes or updates to your lineup and/or music. In the event of a booking, the information you provide at application stage will be used for promotional purposes.
  • Image and video content

    Please supply a selection of high-resolution professional image(s), if you have any (300dpi, colour, band shots preferred), and links to any video content you have. Please note the videos & images supplied will be used for marketing purposes in the event you are booked for mjf2025.
  • Create a shared folder (eg Dropbox/GoogleDrive) that contains three images, with your band name as the title, and provide the non-expiring link here.
  • Provide a video of you/your band playing, via a non-expiring link to a sharing platform (eg YouTube/Vimeo).
  • Your Music

    Provide either a link to where we can freely hear your music online OR non-expiring links to a file sharing location (e.g. Dropbox).

    - ensure that the tracks show the variety of your work and credit the composer
    - keep the total to no more than 20mins
    - don’t fade tracks in/out – we want to hear the music and the band in their entirety
    - don’t send demo-reels with several short samples mixed together into one track

    If the project is new and not yet recorded, provide either a recent recording of your work or a detailed description in the relevant section above. It is up to you to make the best possible case for your music – especially if we only have a description to go on.

    We will use Track 1 as part of your gig listing, unless you indicate otherwise below.
  • (Soundcloud/Bandcamp/Dropbox)
  • (Soundcloud/Bandcamp/Dropbox)
  • (Soundcloud/Bandcamp/Dropbox)
  • (Soundcloud/Bandcamp/Dropbox)
  • One music track for your mjf gig listing

    Should you be booked for mjf, we will use Track 1 (as supplied above) in your mjf gig listing to help promote the festival. If you would prefer us to use an alternative, please supply the details here.
  • Further Links

  • Please state the full url, including http://www.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.